
Our thoughts on technology and design

In this month’s episode we talk about Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), a testing practice where system behaviours are captured in a human readable Domain Specific Language (DSL), which are automated and executed.
Ever wondered how to tell how strong your pasword is? This blog post explores this question using the popular Wordle puzzle game for context.
An introduction to the tree data structure. Trees are often shrouded in mystery and stoke fear in the hearts of software engineers. Today we look at the different types, how they work and most of all, how do you implement one!
In this month’s episode, we talk multi-cloud. This is a challenging topic, even the first step—nailing down what the term actually means—isn’t easy. How does it differ from hybrid-cloud or poly-cloud? Does the term refer to the deployment approach for a single application or an entire organisation?
In this article, I summarise the talks and workshops that I attended during the 2022 Scott Logic Grad Summit, an event that brought together 70 graduates who joined the company in the last two year, and share the insights that I gained as a tester from each event.
WebAssembly is really starting to shine is as a standalone runtime environment. In this blog post I explore the Wasmtime WebAssembly runtime, and build a WebAssembly-powered serverless platform in just 70 lines of code.
As a software engineer with an interest in cloud computing I wanted to look at how organisations can use the cloud to help reach net zero. I’ll share what I found out, including resources which organisations can apply to reduce the carbon footprint of their workloads.
Tech · Video
Recently, WebAssembly has been a hot topic in tech and developer forums. In this talk, I discuss one use-case: the creation of a UI that runs in browsers, which is powered by WebAssembly (compiled from Rust).
Tech · Video
As far back as 600BC there is evidence of people encrypting messages to send secrets. Originally it was mainly used to conceal tactics for battle, but now encryption is used frequently in our daily life. In this talk, I describe how methods of encryption have changed through time.
A relatively new architectural style for building web-based applications, micro-frontends are an extension of the popular microservices pattern where the vertical slice of functionality that a microservice provides is extended all the way to the front-end. With micro-frontends, you can more easily scale your development teams by composing applications from loosely coupled frontend components. In this podcast we ask the question 'Do you actually need a micro-frontend?'
Tech · Video
We’ve all played a game with Box2D physics (e.g. Angry Birds). Google forked Box2D to add fluid simulation, but diverged irretrievably in the process. In this talk, I ask whether we can salvage Google’s contributions and bring both these C++ projects to the modern web using WebAssembly and TypeScript?
Open Source
In lights of various incidents where third-party software caused numerous failures, we'll review the considerations we take when selecting third-party software.
People · Video
We celebrated International Women’s Day with a distinguished panel of IT leaders – Boohoo's Jo Graham; DWP's Jacqui Leggetter; and NatWest's Mei Clark – discussing IWD2022’s theme: ‘Break the Bias’.
Microservices have become the standard architectural pattern for everything. It’s a great and versatile pattern, but what people rarely talk about is the cost. You didn’t think you got all that good stuff (polyglot, scalable, decoupled...) for free, did you? In this episode, we talk about the real-world impact of choosing this pattern and when it might not be the right choice.
Beyond the Hype is a brand new monthly podcast from the Scott Logic team, where we cast a practical eye over what is new and exciting in technology – everything from Kafka to Kubernetes, AI to APIs, microservices to micro-frontends. We look beyond the promises, the buzz and excitement to guide you towards the genuine value.
Artificial Intelligence
It is quite common for blogs, or news / content distribution websites, to organise their content around categories of tags. However, this approach is time-consuming, and from measuring behaviours, it doesn't seem to do much to encourage browsing. In this blog post I use the new OpenAI embedding API to create highly targeted article recommendations, resulting in a four-fold (x4) increase in engagement.
Find out what happens during a Scott Logic Grad Week with this inside scoop of Grad Week February 2022 held in the Bristol office.
The fifth and final in a series of articles, in which we will explore the qualities and behaviours necessary to be an effective Scrum Master and why those qualities and behaviours are important in specific situations.
Podman offers a like for like alternative to Docker Desktop that offers higher container security and no licensing costs. This post uncovers the steps required in order to be able to seamlessly replace Docker Desktop with Podman with very little effort
A very simple introduction on how to begin pondering about the environmental impact that software can have on the planet. Nothing too technical more just an introduction.
